Cool Blogs

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A giveaway for the grand opening of 3 Sweet Peas!

Oh love this! 3 Sweet Peas is gearing up for their grand opening. To celebrate this momentous occasion, they are giving away a fitted diaper and PUL wrap from Little Green Bear. You have to go to the blog and check it out. So cute! I, for one, think it is gender neutral and awesome. If you are interesting in entering, please head here. But hurry. It ends in 5 days!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Life with my Littles and Softbums

Life with my Littles is having another Birthday Blessings Bash giveaway. This one is for an aptly named diaper called Softbums. Yep, they are soft and they rock! They just came out with a snaps version I'd love to try. You can pick color and closure for an Omni. Here is the link to rnter:

Ends 2/12 at 12:01 AM

Dick and Jane giveaway at Life with my Littles

Cute times 100......that is how I describe Dick and Jane diapers. I just adore their prints. Have you seen them? You gotta check them out! If you fall in love like me, then go to the blog, Life with my Littles and try to win one like me! Here is the link:

Ends 2/11 at 12:01 AM

$50 gift card to Sloomb at Life with my Littles

okay, do you want a chance to win an awesome giftcard to one of the most highly recommended diaper companies??? If so ,head on over to the blog, Life with my Littles. She is giving away a $50 gift card to Sloomb,,,wool, fitteds, awesomeness.
Here is the link:

Ends 2/11 at 12:01 AM

AMP giveaway at Life with my Littles

I reaaly want to try an AMP diaper. I hear great things. Well just my luck there is a giveaway at one of my fave blogs, Life with my Littles. She is giving away an AMP diaper in conjunction with Sweet Cheeks. If you are intrigued by AMP, too, then go enter here:

Hurry as it ends 2/7!!!